Contact us
105 Banksia Road
Tuart Hill, WA, 6060
0411 747 454
Our Purpose
Australian football is everyone’s game. It is part of the social fabric of the Australian way of life and is the vehicle for achieving our outcomes of: -
Opportunity Access to participate
Belong Part of a team
Inclusion Actively part of a local community club
The WA All Abilities Football Association exists to provide the opportunity for people with a disability to be involved and participate in Australian football like every other Australian.
By being involved, men, women and children with an intellectual or physical disability can improve their independence, well-being, self-esteem and life skills by being a valued member of a local community club.
Board and Staff
Our Board
Jim Malone - Chair
Luke Goss - Deputy Chair
Jon Knox
Jonathon Small
Rob Steel
Matthew Woods
Jean Perkins
Jasmine Cappellucci
Crispin Roberts
Our Staff
Hayden Marchetto
Executive Officer
Robert Geersen
Inclusion Specialist
Michael Agostini
Financial Accountant
Ryan Zilioli
WA Wheelchair Football League Coordinator
Tom Medhat
Football Specialist
Olivia Readings
Marketing Officer
Our Volunteers
Our programs would not be possible without the support of a large number of volunteers spread throughout our vast club network. These volunteers give us the ability to scale programs at a relatively low cost. As we build the capacity and resourcing of our organisation we aim to provide more resourcing and support to volunteers to help them succeed in their critical roles at the ‘coal face’ of All Abilities Football.