
1.    Purpose

·         The WA Wheelchair Football League (WAWFL) is governed by the WA All Abilities Football Association Inc. (WAAAFA)

·         The League exists to provide regular competition for AFL Wheelchair in Western Australia.

·         The WAWFL is conducted under the auspices of WA All Abilities Football Association who shall have the power to determine any matter not specifically provided for in these Rules.

2.    Club Participation

A football club wishing to nominate a team in the WAWFL must apply and be approved by the WAAAFA. Any nomination, affiliation or other fees will be set by the WAAAFA.

3.    Player Eligibility 

3.1.  WAWFL is designed to provide people with a physical disability and/or impairment the opportunity to play a competitive form of Australian rules football. The sport is inclusive of all ages, gender, and ability, including the participation of athletes without disabilities.

3.2.  There are restrictions regarding the number of athletes without a physical disability and/or impairment on the court, and within a team, to ensure opportunities are prioritised for people with a physical disability and/or impairment.

·           Each team may have two able-bodied participants.

·           Only one able-bodied participant may be on the court at a time.

3.3.  To be classified within the context of the WAWFL as a person with a physical disability and/or impairment, please refer to the following guidelines based on the Australia Paralympic Committee classification for athletes with a physical impairment.

Athletes must have at least one of the following impairments:

-           Limb loss or limb deficiency

-           Hypertonia, Ataxia, Athetosis or Dystonia

-           Short Stature

-           Muscle weakness

-           Joint movement restrictions

-           Limb length differences

-           Spinal cord injuries

3.4.  Players under the age of eighteen (18) are required to gain permission from their parents and/or guardian before they are permitted to participate.

4.      Registration

a.    All players must be registered with a football club approved to play in the WAWFL.

b.    Players can be registered at any time during the season.

c.     Players must be registered by 12 noon Friday preceding the match.

5.      Insurance

a.    WAWFL is covered under the AFL National Risk Protection Program through Marsh Insurance.

b.    For more information on insurance including how to make a claim, please visit the WAWFL website.

 6.    League format

WAAAFA shall fixture matches.

7.    Partnerships

WAFL Clubs have come on board to support the WAWFL. The clubs will play a key role in branding their teams, and promotion of the league and the club’s involvement. 

8.    Team Captains

Each team shall have a Captain.

 Team Captain duties are:

·         Be the first point of contact for your players/team;

·         Be the representative and spokesperson for your team;

·         Ensure adequate communication channels are in place between you and your players/team;

·         Attend team selection meetings with all other team captains, to ensure even teams are selected (once a year);

·         Attend Team Captain meetings with WAWFL (max 4 per year);

·         Should one of your players appeal the tribunal’s verdict, attend the tribunal hearing with the reported player; and

·         Ensure your players/team play within the spirit of our league.

9.    Event/Match Manager

WAAAFA shall appoint a Match Manager to every game, whose responsibilities are:

·         Venue set up/pack up;

o   Court marking of goal square (refer to playing area specs)

o   Removal of court markings

o   Promotional signage

o   Goalposts (refer to playing area specs)

o   Equipment (footballs, colour bands on scorer’s bench)

·         Scoring and time-keeping;

·         Collecting MVP votes from umpires at the conclusion of each match;

·         Entering results, goalkickers, and votes into the online portal.

·         Forward all match paperwork onto WAWFL, a maximum of 24 hours after the completion of the round.

10.  Playing field

Matches will be played on a hard surface preferably a basketball or netball court, as per the below diagram.t, as per the below diagram.

11.    Playing numbers

a)    Where possible, a match should be played 5 players v 5 players, which is the maximum number of players on the court at one time.

b)    The minimum to constitute a game is 3 v 3.

c)    Teams unable to meet these numbers will result in a forfeit.

d)    Regardless of how many players each team has on match day, each team is required to play with equal numbers against one another, irrespective of players skill ability. E.g. 4 v 4, 5 v 5. Team Captains should meet prior to the start of the game to discuss their playing numbers. There are no restrictions on how many players can be on the bench.

e)    Should Team Captains be unable to agree on starting numbers, the umpire will determine the playing numbers.

 12.    Football Requirements

a)       It is the responsibility of WAAAFA to provide a match ball.

b)      The appropriate football for the WAWFL is a Synthetic Sherrin – Size 5.

 13.    Length of Matches

a)    All matches shall be 4 x 10 minute quarters with NO TIME ON*.

b)    The timekeeper will start the clock as per the umpire’s instructions.

*The only time the clock may be stopped during the match is in the fourth quarter, when a player falls from their chair, and the umpire calls time off.

 14.    Match Intervals

¼ time = 2 minutes

½ time = 5 minutes

¾ time = 2 minutes

 15.       Zones

a)    There are three designated zones (forward-centre-defence) that dictate where assigned players can play.

b)    All matches are to play 5 v 5 if numbers allow, however, refer to adjustments below if numbers are less:

5 v 5

·         2 x Forwards. Can only move in the Forward or Centre zones.

·         Only the designated forwards can score.

·         2 x Defenders can only move in the Centre and Back zones.

·         1 x Centre can move in all three zones.

 4 v 4

·         1 x Forward. Can only move in the Forward or Centre zones.

·         Designated forward and centre can score.

·         2 x Defenders can only move in the Centre and Back zones.

·         1 x Centre can move in all zones.

·         Designated forward and centre can score.

 3 v 3

·         1 x Forward. Can only move in the Forward or Centre zones.

·         Designated forward and centre can score.

·         1 x Defenders can only move in the Centre and Back zones.

·         1 x Centre can move in all zones.

·         Designated Forward and Centre can score

 16.      Identifying players

To identify which players are a forward, centre or defender, each player will wear a coloured band or similar as approved by the WAAAFA.

 17.      Competition Points

·         Win – 4 Points

·         Draw – 2 Points

·         Loss – 0 Points

·         Forfeit To – 4 Points

·         Forfeit Against – 0 Points

 8.      Drawn Match

·         In the event of a drawn match during qualifying matches, the draw will stand as is and points from the match will be shared.

·         There shall be no drawn matches in the Finals. In the event of scores being level at the elapsed time min Finals, after a two-minute break, each team will be given five minutes at each end with no time on.

·         Teams will continue to attack to the same end as they were in the last quarter. At the end of the first five minute period, there will be a two-minute break and teams will swap ends. In the event of scores still being level at the end of the extra time, the siren will not sound until one team scores. The siren will sound immediately following the score.

19.      Rules of WAWFL

The WAWFL will conduct all football competitions under the rules outlined in ‘The Laws of Australian Football’ unless otherwise stated throughout these Rules. The Laws of Australian Football are available here -

20.   Specific Rules – AFL Wheelchair

 Disposal of football

·         There is no kicking in AFL Wheelchair, therefore a handpass is equivalent to a kick.

·         A single-handed underarm throw is equivalent to a handpass. The player’s arm when throwing the football must remain under shoulder height for the disposal to be legal.

·         A double-handed chest pass is classed as illegal disposal.

 Ball Up

·         At a centre ball up, both centre players contest the ruck. Each team is permitted to have one additional team member in the centre zone.

·         Should a team have more than one additional team member in the centre zone, a free kick will be awarded against the offending team.

·         If a player falls out of their chair during play, the umpire will immediately suspend play if there is any chance of danger to the fallen player. If not, the umpire will withhold their whistles until the particular play in progress has been completed. If a player falls out of the chair to gain possession of the ball or by falling keeps opponents from gaining possession of the ball, the ball is awarded to the opposing team.

 Travel Too Far

·         A player may stay in possession of the football for a maximum of 3 pushes/change of direction of the wheelchair or cover 10 meters before bouncing the football.

·         Players have the option of bouncing the ball the traditional way or by touching the ball on top of the wheel of their wheelchair.

 Holding the Ball

·         Tackling is prohibited. The equivalent to a tackle is a touch with one hand.

·         A player has two seconds or one push to warrant prior opportunity, before holding the ball can be awarded.


A player must not hold, with any part of their chair (by force) or body that will impede any player moving in any direction.


·         A player cannot charge or bump a stationary player in a reckless manner and must avoid contact where possible when travelling at speed/with momentum.

·         At no time can a player bump another player in the back of the chair.

 Ball Transition

The football can be passed from the defensive zone into the forward zone, without a player taking the position of the football in the centre zone.

 Scoring zones

Scoring can only take place within the forward and centre thirds, by the designated players.


·         A player can shepherd the ball carrier, where contact can be made with the defending player. However, the shepherding player must not bring the defending player to a complete stop otherwise it will be classed as ‘holding’. The shepherding player must also not hold the chair of the defending player, as this too will be classed as ‘holding’.

·         Should the shepherding player shepherd in a reckless manner, a free kick will be awarded.

Wheelchair obstruction

A player must not rise from the seat of their wheelchair and if possible both feet should be placed on the footplate or below the chair. If a player is deemed to use movements to their advantage to gain possession or dispose of the football a free kick may be awarded to the opposing team.

Out of Bounds

·         The ‘last touched rule’ will be in effect during WAWFL games.

·         For the football to be deemed out of bounds, the football must completely cross the line. A player’s wheelchair being out of bounds will not characterise the ball is out of bounds. Should the player manage to keep the football in the field of play, even though their wheelchair is out of bounds, this will be deemed ‘play on’.

·         Should the umpire be unable to decide who the football came off last, the umpire will move two (2) metres in from the boundary line and throw the football up.


A mark is to be paid to a player who marks the ball from a handpass provided that the handpass has travelled at least three (3) metres and has not been touched in transit.

5 Metre Penalty

A 5-metre penalty may be applied on top of a free-kick at the umpire’s discretion.

Playing on from a behind

Following the score of a point, the player may roll out of their defensive goal square to signal to the umpire they have played on.

In Danger

A player second to the contest has a duty of care to protect the hands and head of the player first to the contest. Should any player second to the contest fail to approach the contest with safety, a free kick will be awarded.

Mercy Rule

·         Should a team reach a margin of 50 points, the Mercy Rule is activated. Meaning, if the leading team scores a point, the trailing team will take the kick out from the half backline.

·         If the leading team scores a goal, the trailing team will take possession of the ball in the centre circle, not requiring a ball up to restart play.

·         If the trailing team brings the margin back under 50 points, the Mercy Rule is deactivated, and play will revert to normal.

 21.   Walkover/Forfeits

·         In the case of there being a walkover or forfeit, the non-forfeiting team will receive four competition points. Teams involved will further receive the average ‘for’ and ‘against’ scored, for that round, in their division.

·         In the event where the average ‘for’ and ‘against’ cannot be taken (eg, all matches in the division were forfeited), the scoreline 30 - 0 will be recorded.

 22.   Umpires

a)    WAAFA will appoint two umpires for all fixtured matches.

b)    Umpires shall wear a green uniform as designated by the WAAFA.

c)     Umpires will also act as the goal umpires for all matches.

 23.   Team Sheets

·         Team Captains are to ensure team sheets are correct with each player listed with playing numbers.

·         At the completion of the match, all appropriate paperwork will be collected by the designated Event / Match Manager.

24.   Finals Eligibility

A player must have played (taken the field) in at least 50% plus one match of the season before being eligible to play in the Finals. eg – 10 round season, players must have played in 5 rounds.

 25.   Jewellery

No Jewellery is to be worn on the field whilst playing.

 26.   Order Off Rules

Players may be ordered from the court by an umpire and may be reported. Players can be ordered from the court for breaching the ‘AFL Laws of Australian Football’ / WAWFL Rules and By-Laws.

 Yellow Card

A player who is shown a Yellow card must immediately leave the court, the player may come back on the court once ten minutes of PLAYING TIME has passed. Players receiving a Yellow card  CAN be replaced immediately.

Reasons an umpire may give a Yellow card can include, but are not limited to;

     Swearing

     Abusing umpire

     Abusing Opposition

     Losing Temper

Second Yellow Card

If a player commits a second Yellow card offence then the umpire will show a Red card and the below rules will apply.

Red Card

A player who is shown a Red card must immediately leave the Court and is not permitted to return to the court for the remainder of the match. Players receiving a Red Card CANNOT be replaced.

Reasons an umpire may give a Red card can include, but are not limited to;

     Spitting

     Striking

     Wrestling

 27.   Tribunal

 A Tribunal may be convened at a time and place determined by the WAAFA if;

a)         An official report is lodged by an umpire after the match in which the incident took place.

b)         A formal letter of complaint from one of the teams is sent to WAAFA no later than two business days after the incident.

c)          A report is lodged by the Match Manager.

 28.   WAWFL Draft

a.    Teams will be selected in consultation with Team  Captains following the Draft Combine through a draft.

i.    To be eligible for the Draft a player must:

1.    Have participated in a previous season of the WAWFL

2.    Have attended one of the pre-season events of that year (Open Skills Session or Draft Combine)

ii.     Priority selection refers to players from the previous year, being selected prior to the Draft.

PLEASE NOTE: The Draft process may change in future years due to additional teams in the competition.

 29.   First Aid Requirements

It is WAAAFA’s responsibility to arrange a minimum accreditation level of a Level 1 Sports Trainer on match day. The role of the First Aider is to only act as the first point of contact for someone who may be injured or ill. The First Aider should not have another role on match day. Eg. Coach, runner, canteen etc.

30.   Injuries

Players who suffer cuts and bleeding will be ordered from the ground at the discretion of the umpire and may only return once they have received appropriate treatment from their trainer.

In the case that a player is ordered from the court for a blood rule they can be replaced immediately.

 31.   Uniforms

All teams must have the League logo printed on their playing uniform. For branding guidelines please refer to Appendix 2.

Players wanting to wear compression garments must be of black colour. Players have the option of wearing shorts or pants, however, they must be black in colour, or part of their team’s approved uniform.

 22.   Alcohol

No alcohol consumption will be tolerated at any WAWFL matches.

23.   Social Media Policy

All club officials, players, volunteers and officials, agree to uphold the WAWFL Social Media Policy. Refer to Appendix 1.


Social Media includes but is not limited to:

·         Discussion Forums such as BigFooty;

·         Any form of Blogging or Microblogging on websites such as Twitter;

·         Social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace;

·         Video and photo sharing websites such as YouTube and Instagram.

 Policy Scope

This policy is applicable to any club official, player, volunteer or official (“Participant”) in the WAWFL.

 Any Participant who makes public comment to the media (including to the media or by the means which the WAAAFA in its absolute discretion considers is contrary to the interest of the League (Inappropriate Public Comment) may receive such penalty as the WAAFA in its absolute discretion sees fit which may include suspension, sanctions and fines.

 Any Participant who is found to have engaged in, or is suspected of engaging in the unacceptable use of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social networking site, including blogs, in connection with the League in any way, may be dealt with by the League as it deems fit, notwithstanding the behaviour did not occur on the court.

 Without limiting the operation of this policy, Inappropriate Public Comment or unacceptable use may involve the Participant:

·         Criticising umpires, players, officials, Tribunals or any other person involved in the League;

·         Engaging in bullying behaviour including but not limited to name-calling or making condescending, offensive (including racist or sexist) or abusive remarks about any person; or

·         Engaging in any other behaviour which the Board determines in its absolute discretion to have breached this policy.

 It is not relevant that the Participant making the remarks was not aware that the content could or would be made publicly available.


  • The game is played between two teams of five/four/three, plus interchange players, on a rectangular indoor court divided into thirds with portable goalposts at either end of the field. Scoring is identical to traditional AFL: six points for a goal, one point for a behind.

  • There is no kicking of the ball. A handball is equivalent to a kick (for example if marked, play stops) and an underarm throw is equivalent to a handball (for example the ball is ‘in play’ and the player who receives an underarm throw can be ‘tackled’). Many strategies in the traditional game apply to the wheelchair version.

  • Yes, you will require a Sports Wheelchair to play. If you do not have one, we have a range of Sports Wheelchairs ideal for both first-timers or competitive players. Wheelchair footy is for males and females both with and without physical disabilities, so bring your friends.